Thursday, June 14, 2007
Saturday, In The Park........Feels Like the 4th of July
We even shared our big bones with her (they're as bis as her, harooooooo!)
Well, kinda, then Macie relized "Keep Away" was more fun.
Of course all good things come to an end, then our lady had to finish a perfect day with the evil furminator. Don't we look thrilled?!
This was just the pile from the right side of Macie's butt, we wanted to show you all the fur she "ripped" out of us, but we like to try & eat it (hey, it's ours) so she had to pick it up as she went. Needless to say, that purple shirt of hers was a bewootiful shade of white when all was said & done. Gotta run for now, have a great day all!
Face Licks, M&M
Face Licks, M&M
What alot of fur your mum got off you
~ girl girl
Face Licks, M&M
Bummer you had to end such a perfect day with the furminator! That thing is evil! Make sure, that when you play in the pool, you immediately run over to your humans and SHAKE madly! They deserve it!
Play bows,
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