Monday, January 29, 2007


Haroooo everypup! It is a glorious 19 degrees outside & it's SNOWING! Our lady was really ticked Friday (you'd think she was the northern breed) cause it warmed up enough to melt the majority of our snow. And like we've said before, that always leads her into the "Global Warming Rant" that we are ALL so sick of! So we were very glad when the snow starting falling this evening. As soon as she got home from work she came out & we all tried to catch snowflakes on our tongues, it was lots of fun!

We've decided that we really like her alot, we've said before that we think she was one of us in a previous life. She proved this again yesterday. It was really cold out (for a furless human anyway) probably 18 or 19 degrees & she got all of her warm clothes on & took us hiking! This was our firt time on a real hike & we gotta tell ya, it was GREAT! We have a park that has about 6 miles of wooded, hilly trails & we got to go, wooowoooowoooo! Some parts were a little rough for the lady cause it was still kinda icy up in the woods, but we went nice & slow for her & stayed right in front of her in case she fell (which she almost did but we caught her). We forgot to bring the camera in all the excitement, sorry...But we saw 2 deers (she wouldn't let us go run with them), several cardinals and a bunch of black squirrels, we didn't even know there was such a thing, all the ones by our house are red, that was pretty cool too. And the whole place still had it's snow so when we came back down out of the "mountains" we got to run around in it, what a day!

And now it's snowing again in our yard, it just doesn't get much better than this friends! We better run for now & get back outside before it stops (we hope it NEVER stops).

Snowy Woos, M&M

Cute, cute, cute picture!
Your hike sounds great - and your weather could only be better if it was a heavy snowfall! Ammy said we might get more tomorrow - oh, I hope so! She'll let us know for sure this evening.
You should do something nice for your mom for taking you on a hike. Slobber all over a toy and hand it to her - ours seems to like that sort of thing.
Tail wags,
Great idea Storm, the humans do seem to care for that, woo! We're supposed to get more snow tom. too, that would be GREAT!
Face Licks, M&M
Love the picture!!! Looks like you are laughing at your human!

Sounds like a wonderful walk. When we got our walk this morning, and it was very short, it was zero outside!! We loved it. Dad didn't. Too bad those humans don't have our nice warm fur!

Love the picture!!! Looks like you are laughing at your human!

Sounds like a wonderful walk. When we got our walk this morning, and it was very short, it was zero outside!! We loved it. Dad didn't. Too bad those humans don't have our nice warm fur!

M&M: Our snow is coming down now! That Ammy - she never misses!
Wooooo! Snow! Ha rooo!
Tail wags,
That is a great picture!! Enjoy your snow!

Steve & Kat
Tell your human woman that a report came out and said that global warming is all the human's fault anyway. The good news is that there's nothing that can be done about it, so have her buy a huge SUV and drive you around in it.

That sounds like such a nice day. I love hike days. Papa promised us one this weekend.
Thanks Steve & Kat, we will!
Meeshka, we have no doubt it's all the humans fault, isn't it always!
Hope you get a really LONG hike Magnum!
Face Licks, M&M
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