Wednesday, September 13, 2006


How to Photograph a Puppy
1. Remove film from box and load camera.
2. Remove film box from puppy’s mouth and throw in trash.
3. Remove puppy from trash and brush coffee grounds from muzzle.
4. Choose a suitable background for photo.
5. Mount camera on tripod, check flash and focus.
6. Find puppy and take dirty sock from mouth.
7. Place puppy in pre-focused spot and return to camera.
8.Forget about spot and crawl after puppy on knees.
9. Focus with one hand while fending off puppy with other hand.
10. Get tissue and clean nose print from lens.
11. Put cat outside and put peroxide on the scratch on puppy's nose.
12. Put magazines back on coffee table.
13. Try to get puppy's attention by squeaking toy over your head.
14. Replace your glasses and check camera for damage.
15. Jump up in time to grab puppy by scruff of neck and say- "No, no outside!"
16. Call spouse to help clean up the mess.
17. Fix a stiff drink.
18. Sit back in chair, put your feet up, sip your drink and resolve to teach puppy "sit" and "stay" the first thing in the morning

Author Unknown (funny stuff & oh, so true!)
Hey There,

Thats a great run down on how it all works:-)

BTW - My dad has been trying to reply to your email about your problem with the Bone Zone, but it keeps bouncing back with errors. Can you let us know where we can mail you, we have got an answer for you.


Hey guys,

HA ! I just jumped on to say the same as Chuck - your email bounced back, I think we may have a problem sending to AOL addresses, as we had another AOL address bounce back yesterday. Anyway, I will pass your email query on to my SHD (stupid human dad) and he will be able to help - he is the techo in our family :-)
Then, I will get mum to try and email you from her work.

Thanks Guys! Our email is Kind face licks, Macie & Malechai
I hate those silly ol cameras! I try to run away and hide under my doghouse, but mama's determined and she just follows me outside. Sometimes I just get tired of hiding and flop down on the floor. Mama gets frustrated cuz all my pics look the crashed out on the floor lookin pathetic.
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